
Privacy Policy

Within this policy R J & K D McLean Limited  and McLean & Sons will hereafter be referred to as ‘the Company’

1    Customer Privacy Statement

The Company respects the privacy of its customers, its future customers and staff and aims to act consistently with the Data Protection Act 2018 and subsequent regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)2018.

3     Customer data

We take customer privacy and security very seriously. We will hold and transmit your information in a safe, confidential and secure environment.

3.1     What data is being collected and why?

3.1.1    Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the customer is party; or in order to take steps at the request of the customer prior to entering into a contract and for ‘legitimate interests’ of The Company to enable us to provide sales and service.’ The Company collects customer personal information for many reasons. These include: opening and managing your account, purchasing machinery or parts on your behalf, to introduce you to finance companies at your request, for purchase of machinery where agreed with you, for machinery hire and loan agreements at your request, for applying for registration plates with DVLA  for machinery you are buying from us or selling to us.

3.1.2     In order to provide the services outlined in 3.1.1 we will collect your name, business name, address, phone number, mobile number, VAT number and e-mail address and where applicable bank details.

3.1.3    In the process of managing your account we will collect information on all purchases, payments and money owing on your account.

3.2    How your data is being collected (and who by)?

3.2.1    Your data will be collected  by our staff on your behalf when you ask us to open an account on your behalf.

3.2.4    As a prospective customer enquiring about machinery via our website your name, e-mail and telephone number will be collected by you completing a ‘contact us form.’

3.2.5    As a customer applying to hire or borrow a vehicle you will complete a form relating to the hire or loan agreement.

3.2.6    For information on the use of cookies on our website visit our Cookie Policy here.  (Available from the link at the footer on our website)

3.2.7    Customer phone numbers are stored on staff mobile telephones.

3.3.8    For telephone card payments customer card details are noted by staff at the time of a telephone call to make the payment or refund transaction and destroyed in a timely manner after the transaction has been processed.

3.2.10    Data is also collected from you when you interact on our social media or communicate with us via social media.

3.2.11     If you visit our website your IP address will be collected by cookies and stored by VisualCode on our server to enable website debugging and also by Google to enable Google analytics. Individuals are not identifiable by cookies. Information about your computer about your geographical location, referral source, length of visit and page views may also be collected this way.

3.3    How will your data be used?

3.3.1    If you have opened an account with us we will use your data for the reasons outlined in 3.1.1 above.

3.4    Who we will share your data with?

3.4.1    At your request when relevant The Company will act as the introducer to introduce you to finance companies e.g. CNH finance where a finance agreement is required to make a purchase. You will share your data directly with the finance company who will complete a finance agreement form with you.

3.4.2    Where relevant to purchase or sale of machinery with a registration number we will share your data with DVLA. We will notify you when doing this in relation to purchase.

3.4.6    Where relevant to your purchase or sale or other reasons outlined in 3.1 we may share information 3.1.2 with our sister company McLean & Sons should an appropriate item of machinery or part be in their stock or involves them in another way.

3.4.8     Where you are making a payment (See 3.3.7) we will share your card details with Worldpay Payments for the card machine processing.

3.4.9     Where relevant for accounting purposes your data may be shared with Andrews And Palmer our Accountants and the Financial Conduct Authority

3.4.10    Customer account information is stored on our GOLD accounts system and may be shared via a secure network for IT support issues with Ibcos Computers Ltd.

3.5    What will be the effect on you of us using your data?

3.5.1    We aim to manage your account effectively to provide you with a good service and to provide you with information that is relevant, useful or legally necessary. We undertake to hold your information securely. We intend to hold account information for as long as you continue to trade with us, or if your account becomes dormant to delete your information after 8 years of inactivity or before if instructed by you to do so. (Account information must be stored for a minimum of 6 years)

3.5.3    If you have requested information on a piece of machinery via the contact page on our website we will hold your e-mail for as long as it is relevant to your enquiry.

3.5.4    If you have made an enquiry directly via e mail we will cleanse our e mail inboxes on an annual basis.

3.5.5    If you made an enquiry by telephone we will hold your data for as long as it is relevant to your enquiry.

3.5.6    If your mobile number is stored on a company mobile phone it will be stored until the phone is upgraded when the phones memory will be wiped.

3.5.7    We do not anticipate any use of your data that is likely to cause objection, but you have a right to complain to the ICO if you think there is a problem with the way we are handling your data.

3.5.8     You have the right to request a copy of the information that is stored about you and this will be provided within one month of applying together with a statement of the legal basis for the information being stored.

3.5.9    You have a right to be forgotten and your details will be deleted within the timescales detailed in this notice.

3.6    Our lawful basis for processing your data

3.6.1    If you have signed up for an account (See 3.1.1 & 3.2.1) we are processing and holding your data for the lawful basis of ‘legitimate interests’ and/or for the lawful basis of ‘contract’ as part of offering sales of agricultural products.

4     Breaches

In the event that we believe there is a serious breach to our systems or data we will inform the Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours and will inform the affected customers as soon as practically possible there afterwards.

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